Call for research grants on neuromuscular diseases
The SWISS FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH ON MUSCLE DISEASES (FSRMM) calls for grant applications. The aim of the foundation is to support basic, translational and clinical biomedical research related to muscle and neuromuscular diseases in Swiss Institutions, including projects aiming at improving diagnosis of these diseases.
Applications are particularly encouraged from young researchers with no permanent position who aim at establishing their own research on neuromuscular diseases. Such FSRMM grants, which provide the applicant's salary for up to three years, are thought to prepare the young researchers for junior professorships.
Submitted applications will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Board and by external reviewers. In November, the Board of Trustees will select the best applications based on the quality of the project and the available funding. Grant applicants will be informed in December.
Applications should include:
- Scientific abstract (not more than ½ page)
- Lay summary in German, Italian or French (about 140 words)
- Introduction to the topic (not more than 1½ page)
- Specific goals of the project and detailed research plan (not more than 5 pages)
- Budget requested (salaries according to SNSF; no supply money)
- List of other supports
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of papers published by the applicant during the past 5 years
- Young researchers: Endorsement letter by the PI with confirmation of infrastructure availability and agreement for last authorship of the applicant on papers resulting from the project
Please note that overhead costs are not covered by the grants.
Researchers working in Switzerland who are active in biomedical fields covering the interest of the foundation should send a PDF file of their application until
Sunday August 31, 2025
by email to Prof. M.A. Rüegg (chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board) at:
- Chemin des Saules 4B
2013 Colombier - +41 78 629 63 92