Projets financés
Year | Title | Duration | Lab |
2021 | From the investigation of the role of SRSF1 in ALS/FTD to its targeting as a therapeutic strategy | 3 | Prof. Frédéric Allain, ETH Zürich |
2021 | Molecular crosstalk between muscles and motor neurons and its role in neuromuscular circuit formation | 1 | Prof. Patrick Tschopp, University of Basel |
2021 | Molecular Diagnosis and Coping Mechanisms in Mitochondrial Myopathies | 3 | Prof. Alexis Jourdain, University of Lausanne |
2021 | IPRIMYO: Immune-privileged, immortal, myogenic stem cells for gene therapy of Muscular Dystrophy (Paul Pettavino Fellowship) | 2 | Dr. Marisa Jaconi, University of Geneva |
2021 | Effect of RYR1 mutations on muscle spindle function and their impact on the musculoskeletal system | 1 | Profs. Susan Treves and Francesco Zorzato, University Hospital Basel |
2021 | Therapeutic potential of human myogenic reserve cells in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 1 | Dr. Thomas Laumonier, University of Geneva |
2021 | Glutamine metabolism as a potential target for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 1 | Dr. Inés Soro-Arnàiz, ETH Zürich |
2021 | Targeting protein s-acylation during Tubular Aggregate Myopathy | 2 | Dr. Amado Carreras, University of Geneva |
2021 | Aggravating the phenotype of dystrophic mice for improving preclinical research and clinical translation for Duchenne muscular dystrophy | 1 | Dr. Olivier Dorchies, University of Geneva |
2020 | Characterization of autoreactive T cells in Guillain-Barré syndrome | 3 | Dr. Daniela Latorre, ETHZ, Zürich |
2020 | A vascularized human muscle-on-a-chip to elucidate the contribution of endothelial-mesenchymal transition on the progression of muscular dystrophies | 3 | Dr. Simone Bersini, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano |
2020 | Characterization of a novel form of ALS associated with changes in the sphingolipid metabolism | 3 | Dr. Museer Lone, |
2020 | Pre-clinical treatment of mouse models carrying recessive Ryr1 mutations with HDAC/DNA methyltransferase inhibitors. | 1 | Profs. Susan Treves and Francesco Zorzato, Basel University Hospital |
2020 | New aspects of TGFβ signaling in muscle homeostasis and regeneration | 3 | Dr. Michael Bachmann |
2020 | Inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis as a treatment strategy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy | 2 | Prof. Johan Auwerx, EPFL, Lausanne |
2019 | Tamoxifen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (TAMDMD) | 2 | Dr. med. Dirk Fischer, UKBB Basel |
2019 | DNA aptamers against the DUX4 protein reveal novel therapeutic implications for FSHD | 2 | Dr. Jochen Kinter and Dr. Christian Klingler, University of Basel |
2019 | Facilitating diagnosis of critical illness myopathy using muscle excitability testing | 2 | Prof. med. Werner J. Z'Graggen, Inselspital Bern |
2019 | Rapid Exploratory Imaging for High-resolution and Whole Extremity Coverage in MR Neurography | 2 | Dr. Olivier Scheidegger, Inselspital Bern |
2019 | Deciphering novel mechanisms and effectors contributing to muscle dysfunction in Myotonic Dystrophy Type I | 1 | Prof. Perrine Castets, University of Geneva |
2018 | Can HDAC/DNA methyltransferase inhibitors improve muscle function in a congenital myopathy caused by recessive RYR1 mutations? | 2 | Prof. Francesco Zorzato and Prof. Susan Treves, University Hospital Basel |
2018 | Identification of the critical regulators of protein synthesis and degradation in human muscle atrophy | 2 | Dr. Lionel Tintignac and Dr. Nitish Mittal, University of Basel |
2018 | Exploring peripheral B-cell-helper T cell phenotypes in the blood of patients with Myasthenia gravis using mass cytometry (CyTOF) | 1 | Dr. med. Bettina Schreiner, University Hospital Zürich |
2018 | Molecular signature, metabolic profile and therapeutic potential of human myogenic reserve cells | 3 | Dr. Thomas Laumonier, University of Geneva |
2018 | A multicenter cross-sectional and longitudinal study of the Swiss cohort of Merosin-negative congenital muscular dystrophy | 3 | Dr. med. Andrea Klein, UKBB Basel |
2018 | Targeting NADPH oxidase 4 in models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (extension of project 2016) | 1 | Dr. Hesham Hamed, University of Geneva |
2017 | Characterizing the role of ER stress in C9orf72-linked ALS pathology | 2 | Prof. Smita Saxena, Inselspital, University of Bern |
2017 | Inducing mitophagy with Urolithin A to restore mitochondrial and muscle function in muscular dystrophy | 2 | Prof. Johan Auwerx, EPFL Lausanne |
2017 | Exercise‐based interventions in dysferlinopathies | 2 | Prof. Christoph Handschin, Biozentrum Basel |
2017 | Motor unit action potentials analysis in patients with myopathies with a new wireless portable and multichannel Surface EMG device (WPM-SEMG) | 2 | Prof. Alain Kälin, Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano |
2017 | Role and therapeutic potential of PLIN3 in neuromuscular diseases | 2 | Dr. Francesca Amati, University of Lausanne |
2017 | Changes in ventilation distribution in children with neuromuscular disease using the insufflator/exsufflator technique: An observational study | 1 | Dr. med. Thomas Riedel, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur |
2016 | Mechanism and function of genome organization in muscle development and integrity | 2 | Prof. Susan Gasser, Friederich Miescher Institute, Basel |
2016 | Role and therapeutic potential of NADPH oxidases in a mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 2 | Dr. Hesham Hamed, University of Geneva |
2016 | Characterization of pathological pathways activated in muscles of patients with congenital myopathies with disturbed Ca2+ homeostasis | 2 | Prof. Susan Treves, Basel University Hospital |
2016 | Creation of a study team to conduct an SMA-1 clinical trial at the Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases at the University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB) | 1 | Dr. med. Andrea Klein, Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) |
2015 | Novel treatment to stop progressive neuropathy and muscle weakness in multifocal motor neuropathy | 3 | Dr. Ruben Herrendorff, University of Basel |
2015 | Understanding the pathomechanisms leading to muscle alterations in Myotonic Dystrophy type I | 3 | Dr. Perrine Castets, University of Basel |
2015 | Automated volumetry and quantitative MRI to diagnose peripheral nerve lesions – translational proposal for a new clinical diagnostic imaging tool | 2 | Dr. Olivier Scheidegger, Inselspital Bern |
2015 | Novel approaches against Spinal Muscular Atrophy by targeting splicing regulators | 2 | Prof. Frédéric Allain, ETH Zürich |
2015 | Protective effects and mechanisms of action of tamoxifen in mice with severe muscular diseases | 3 | Dr. Olivier Dorchies, University of Geneva |
2015 | Role of the receptor FgfrL1 in the development of slow muscle fibers | 2 | Prof. Beat Trueb, University of Bern |
2015 | Muscle velocity recovery cycles: A new tool for early diagnosis of critical illness myopathy | 1 | Prof. med. Werner J. Z'Graggen, Inselpital Bern |
2014 | Generation of uncomitted human IPSC derived muscle stem cells for therapeutic applications | 3 | Dr. Florian Bentzinger, Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Lausanne |
2014 | Transposable vectors for dystrophin-expression in a murine model for muscular dystrophy | 3 | Prof. Nicolas Mermod, University of Lausanne |
2014 | Cardiac involvement in patients with Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy; an observational study | 1 | Dr. med. Andrea Klein, Children University Hospital Zürich |
2014 | Deciphering the pathogenic mechanisms of C9ORF72 ALS co-funded by ASLASI (Associazione Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica Svizzera Italiana) | 3 | Dr. Magdalini Polymenidou, University of Zürich |
2014 | Development of magnetic resonance methods for functional imaging of the skeletal muscle | 2 | Dr. Francesco Santini, Basel University Hospital |
2013 | Enhancing estrogenic signalling to fight muscular dystrophies: Mechanisms of action and repurposing clinically approved drugs | 2 | Dr. Olivier Dorchies, University of Geneva |
2013 | Mechanisms and therapeutic potential of modulating PGC‐1α to alter neuromuscular junction morphology and function | 2 | Prof. Christoph Handschin, University of Basel |
2013 | Triggering human myoblast differentiation: from EGFR to myogenic transcription factors | 3 | Prof. Laurent Bernheim, University of Geneva |
2013 | Improving cellular therapies of muscle dystrophies by uncovering epigenetic and signaling pathways of muscle formation co-funded by Schweizerische Muskelgesellschaft | 3 | Prof. Peter Meister, University of Bern |
2013 | Protein engineering in an attempt to increase the mechanical, integrin dependent cytoskeleton-matrix linkage in muscle fibers | 1 | Prof. Bernhard Wehrle-Haller, University of Geneva |
2012 | Evaluation of novel treatment strategies for dysferlinopathies in mouse models | 1 | Prof. med. Michael Sinnreich, University Hospital Basel |
2012 | Cell therapy of LGMD2D by donor HLA-characterized human mesoangioblasts (hMABs) produced in GMP conditions | 3 | Dr. Marisa Jaconi, University of Geneva |
2012 | In search of small molecules targeting protein-RNA complex: a novel approach against Spinal Muscular Atrophy | 3 | Prof. Frédéric Allain, ETH Zürich |
2012 | Targeting ER stress response: a potential mechanism for neuroprotection in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis co-funded by ASLASI (Associazione Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica Svizzera Italiana) | 1 | Prof. Smita Saxena, University of Bern |
2012 | Restoration of autophagy as a new strategy for the treatment of congenital muscular dystrophies | 3 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2011 | SRP-35, a newly identified skeletal muscle protein linking excitation-contraction coupling to activation of metabolism | 1 | Prof. Susan Treves, University of Basel |
2011 | Muscle veocity recovery cycles: a new tool for characterization of muscle disease in vivo | 1.5 | Prof. med. Werner J. Z'Graggen, Inselspital Bern |
2011 | Excessive neurotrypsin activation and agrin cleavage-a pathogenic condition leading to sarcopenia-like muscle atrophy? | 1 | Prof. Peter Sonderegger, University of Zürich |
2010 | Paramytonia and Periodic paralysis : Search for SCN4A mutations and development of an animal model | 2 | Prof. Anna Jawinska, University of Fribourg |
2010 | Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields as a Method to Improve Myoblast - Based Therapies (Mechanobiology of Muscle Development) | 3 | Prof. Alfredo Franco-Obregon, ETH Zürich |
2010 | Molecular mechanisms of mTORC1 - mediated control of muscle size and function | 2 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2009 | Protein engineering in an attempt to increase the mechanical, intergrin-dependant cytoskeleton-matrix linkage in muscle fibers | 3 | Prof. Bernhard Wehrle-Haller, University of Geneva |
2009 | Role of the novel receptor FGFRL1 in myoblast fusion | 3 | Prof. Beat Trueb, University of Bern |
2009 | Laminopathic myopathies : mechanisms of pathology | 2 | Prof. Peter Meister, Friedrich-Miescher Institute, Basel |
2009 | Investigation of splicing defects in Spinal Muscular Atrophy and progress toward a somatic gene therapy | 3 | Prof. Daniel Schümperli, University of Bern |
2008 | The role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ϒ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) in ameliorating Duchenne muscular dystrophy | 3 | Dr. Christoph Handschin, University of Zürich |
2008 | Molecular basis of mTOR complex 1-dependant muscle homeostasis | 2 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2008 | Postnatal human myogenesis is controlled by ionic channel activity ans two sequential Ca2+- signals that activate specific signaling pathways | 3 | Prof. Laurent Bernheim, University of Geneva |
2008 | Losartan as treatment option in MDC1A mice | 1 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2008 | Characterization of different forms of hypokalemic periodic paralysis using refined muscle excitability measurements | 1 | Prof. med. Werner J. Z'Graggen, Inselspital Bern |
2008 | Caveolin regulation in the pathogenesis of Inclusion Body Myopathy caused by mutations in Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP) | 2 | Dr. Hemmo Meyer, ETH Zürich |
2008 | Mechanisms and role of α 7β1 integrin dynamics in muscle cells | 1 | Prof. Bernhard Wehrle-Haller, University of Geneva |
2008 | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy : Mechanisms and Pathophysiological Implications of Ca2+ Signaling Hypersensitivity | 2 | Prof. Ernst Niggli, University of Bern |
2008 | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy : Role of NADPH Oxidase in Calcium Signalling | 2 | Prof. Urs T. Ruegg, University of Geneva |
2007 | Molecular Mechanisms of Neuromuscular Synaps Formation : Role of Neuro-Muscular Neuregulin/ErbB signaling in the Maintenance oft he Postsynaptic Acetylcholine Receptor Density | 2 | Prof. Hans Rudolf Brenner, University of Basel |
2007 | Investigation of a specific role of SMN and its potential in a gene therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy | 3 | Prof. Nicolas Mermod, University of Bern |
2007 | Molecular basis of a novel form of Nemaline Myopathy | 1 | Prof. Luisa Bonafè, CHUV Luasanne |
2007 | Is the nNOS isoform expression pattern related to the phenotype in dystrophic skeletal muscle | 2 | Prof. Oliver Baum, University of Bern |
2007 | Malfunction oft he ND1 and ND5 subunits of human complex I (repiratory NADH : quinone ocidoreductase) in MELAS syndrome | 3 | Prof. Julia Fritz-Steuber, University of Zürich |
2007 | Investigation of a specific role of SMN and its potential in a gene therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy | 3 | Dr. Kathrin Meyer, University of Bern |
2006 | Dissecting the Molecular Basis of Desmin Myopathies at Atomic Detail | 3 | Prof. Ueli Aebi, University of Basel |
2006 | Molecular determinants of cell-specific aging and their impact on disease onset and progression in motoneurons and muscle | 3 | Prof. Pico Caroni, Friedrich-Miescher Institute, Basel |
2006 | A mouse model for a novel type of human myopathy | 2 | Prof. Beat Trueb, University of Bern |
2006 | Regulation of abnormal Ca2 influx observed in dystrophic mdx mice by phospholipase A2 | 3 | Prof. Emmanuelle Roulet, University of Geneva |
2006 | Analysis oft he Interaction of Desmoplakin and Plectin with Desmin and Characterization oft he Binding Partners of Synemin, a Novel Intermediate Filament Protein | 2 | Prof. Luca Borradori, University of Geneva |
2005 | Sarcomeric M-Band alterations characterize muscle pathogenesis | 2 | Prof. Irina Agarkova, ETH Zürich |
2005 | Role of mTOR complex 1 and mTOR complex 2 in the regulation of muscle mass | 2 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2005 | Functional role of JP45 in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling | 3 | Prof. Susan Treves, University of Basel |
2005 | Improving myoblast survival after autologous transplantation in pigs | 1 | Prof. Jacques Ménétrey, University of Geneva |
2005 | Identification of sodium and calcium channels involved in mediating cell death in MDX mice | 2 | Prof. Urs T. Ruegg, University of Geneva |
2005 | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy : Pathophysiological Implication of Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling and ROS Production | 3 | Prof. Ernst Niggli, University of Bern |
2005 | Mechanisms and role of α 7β1 integrin dynamics in muscle cells | 3 | Prof. Bernhard Wehrle-Haller, University of Geneva |
2004 | Development of Novel Non-Viral Vectors for a Gene Therapy of Muscular Diseases | 1 | Dr. Denis Bron, Myovec, Oberlinsbach |
2004 | Mechanism of rapsyn action in neuromuscular synapse formation | 3 | Prof. Christian Fuhrer, University of Zürich |
2004 | Investigation of the Local Activation of Glucocorticoids by 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 in Skeletal Muscle and its Role in Glucocorticoid-induced Muscle Atrophy | 2 | Prof. Alex Odermatt, University of Bern |
2004 | Evaluation oft he therapeutic potential of a miniaturized gene encoding neural agrin fort he treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy | 3 | Prof. Markus A. Rüegg, University of Basel |
2003 | Molecular Mechanisms of Neuromuscular Synapse Formation by Agrin/MuSK: Development oft he Subsynaptic Appartus | 2 | Prof. Hans Rudolf Brenner, University of Basel |
2003 | Interactions Between Ionic Channels, Resting Potential, Calcium Signals, and Myogenic Regulatory Factors During Human Myoblast Differentiation and Fusion | 3 | Prof. Laurent Bernheim, University of Geneva |
2003 | Electrotransfer and Regulated Gene Expression fort he Gene Therapy of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 3 | Prof. Nicolas Mermod, University of Bern |
2003 | Dissecting The Molecular Basis of Desmin Myopathies at Atomic Detail | 3 | Prof. Ueli Aebi, University of Basel |
2003 | Analysis oft he Interaction of Desmoplakin and Plectin with Desmin and Characterization oft he Binding Partners of Synemin, a Novel Intermediate Filament Protein | 2 | Prof. Luca Borradori, University of Geneva |
2003 | Studies on the biological function oft he brain-derived neurotrophic factor precursor proBDNF | 1 | Prof. Joachim Weis, University of Bern |
2002 | Search for agents that Stabilize Utrophin mRNA in Dystrophic Muscle Cells | 3 | Prof. Timo Buetler, University of Lausanne |
2002 | Characterization and Regulation of a Physiological Pathway to Plasticity and Repair in Muscle | 3 | Prof. Pico Caroni, Friedrich-Miescher Institute, Basel |
2002 | Signaling mechanisms of muscle-specific kinase MuSK | 3 | Prof. Christian Fuhrer, University of Zürich |
2002 | Improving muscle healing using myoblast transplantation | 3 | Prof. Jacques Ménétrey, University of Geneva |
2002 | Role of a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFRL) in the control of myoblast proliferation and differentiation | 3 | Prof. Beat Trueb, University of Bern |
2002 | Functional Role of JP-45 in Skeletal Muscle Excitation-Contraction Coupling | 2 | Prof. Susan Treves, University of Basel |
De 1987 à 2001, la fondation a financé autres 57 projets de recherche.
- Projets de recherche en cours
- L'importance et les succès de la recherche
- Projets financés
- Unstructured proteins as therapeutic targets for neuromuscular diseases
- Open and reproducible pipeline for the acquisition and analysis of muscle MRI data in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
- Dissecting lysosomal signals to fight Pompe disease
- Functional properties and epigenetic signature of quiescent and early activated human muscle reserve cells
- Activation of human skeletal muscle stem cells:role of Orai3 ans its partner AHNAK2 in physiological condition and in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Understanding the clinical spectrum associated with VMA21 deficiency
- ANTXR2 as a key player in Collagen VI signaling in muscle stem cells: new therapeutic perspectives for COL6-related myopathies.
- Molecular mechanisms of complement activation and neuromuscular disruption by combinations of autoantibodies from patients with Myasthenia Gravis
- From the investigation of the role of SRSF1 in ALS/FTD to its targeting as a therapeutic strategy
- Molecular crosstalk between muscles and motor neurons and its role in neuromuscular circuit formation
- Molecular Diagnosis and Coping Mechanisms in Mitochondrial Myopathies
- IPRIMYO: Immune-privileged, immortal, myogenic stem cells for gene therapy of Muscular Dystrophy
- Effect of RYR1 mutations on muscle spindle function and their impact on the musculoskeletal system
- Therapeutic potential of human myogenic reserve cells in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Glutamine metabolism as a potential target for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Targeting protein s-acylation during Tubular Aggregate Myopathy
- Aggravating the phenotype of dystrophic mice for improving preclinical research and clinical translation for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Characterization of autoreactive T cells in Guillain-Barré syndrome
- A vascularized human muscle-on-a-chip to elucidate the contribution of endothelial-mesenchymal transition on the progression of muscular dystrophies
- Characterization of a novel form of ALS associated with changes in the sphingolipid metabolism
- Pre-clinical treatment of mouse models carrying recessive Ryr1 mutations with HDAC/DNA methyltransferase inhibitors.
- New aspects of TGFβ signaling in muscle homeostasis and regeneration
- Inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis as a treatment strategy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Tamoxifen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (TAMDMD)
- DNA aptamers against the DUX4 protein reveal novel therapeutic implications for FSHD
- Facilitating diagnosis of critical illness myopathy using muscle excitability testing
- Rapid Exploratory Imaging for High-resolution and Whole Extremity Coverage in MR Neurography
- Deciphering novel mechanisms and effectors contributing to muscle dysfunction in Myotonic Dystrophy Type I
- Can HDAC/DNA methyltransferase inhibitors improve muscle function in a congenital myopathy caused by recessive RYR1 mutations?
- Identification of the critical regulators of protein synthesis and degradation in human muscle atrophy
- Exploring peripheral B-cell-helper T cell phenotypes in the blood of patients with Myasthenia gravis using mass cytometry (CyTOF)
- Molecular signature, metabolic profile and therapeutic potential of human myogenic reserve cells
- A multicenter cross-sectional and longitudinal study of the Swiss cohort of Merosin-negative congenital muscular dystrophy
- Targeting NADPH oxidase 4 in models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Characterizing the role of ER stress in C9orf72-linked ALS pathology
- Inducing mitophagy with Urolithin A to restore mitochondrial and muscle function in muscular dystrophy
- Motor unit action potentials analysis in patients with myopathies with a new wireless portable and multichannel Surface EMG device (WPM-SEMG)
- Role and therapeutic potential of PLIN3 in neuromuscular diseases
- Changes in ventilation distribution in children with neuromuscular disease using the insufflator/exsufflator technique: An observational study
- Mechanism and function of genome organization in muscle development and integrity
- Role and therapeutic potential of NADPH oxidases in a mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Characterization of pathological pathways activated in muscles of patients with congenital myopathies with disturbed Ca2+ homeostasis
- Creation of a study team to conduct an SMA 1-clinical trial at the Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases of the University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB)
- Novel treatment to stop progressive neuropathy and muscle weakness in multifocal motor neuropathy
- Understanding the pathomechanisms leading to muscle alterations in Myotonic Dystrophy type I
- Automated volumetry and quantitative MRI to diagnose peripheral nerve lesions – translational proposal for a new clinical diagnostic imaging tool
- Novel approaches against Spinal Muscular Atrophy by targeting splicing regulators
- Protective effects and mechanisms of action of tamoxifen in mice with severe muscular diseases
- Role of the receptor FgfrL1 in the development of slow muscle fibers
- Muscle velocity recovery cycles: A new tool for early diagnosis of critical illness myopathy
- Generation of uncommitted human IPSC derived muscle stem cells for therapeutic applications
- Transposable vectors for dystrophin-expression in a murine model for muscular dystrophy
- Cardiac involvement in patients with Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy; an observational study
- Deciphering the pathogenic mechanisms of C9ORF72 ALS
- Enhancing estrogenic signalling to fight muscular dystrophies: Mechanisms of action and repurposing clinically approved drugs
- Mechanisms and therapeutic potential of modulating PGC‐1α to alter neuromuscular junction morphology and function
- Triggering human myoblast differentiation: from EGFR to myogenic transcription factors
- Improving cellular therapies of muscle dystrophies by uncovering epigenetic and signaling pathways of muscle formation
- Protein engineering in an attempt to increase the mechanical, integrin dependent cytoskeleton-matrix linkage in muscle fibers
- Muscle velocity recovery cycles: a new tool for characterization of muscle disease in vivo
- Excessive neurotrypsin activation and agrin cleavage-a pathogenic condition leading to sarcopenia-like muscle atrophy?
- Evaluation of novel treatment strategies for dyspherlinopathies in mouse models
- Cell therapy of LGMD2D by donor HLA-characterized human mesoangioblasts (hMABs) produced in GMP conditions
- In search of small molecules targeting protein-RNA complex: a novel approach against Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Restoration of autophagy as a new strategy for the treatment of congenital muscular dystrophies
- Development of magnetic resonance methods for functional imaging of the skeletal muscle
- Targeting ER stress response: a potential mechanism for neuroprotection in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Generation of uncommitted human IPSC derived muscle stem cells for therapeutic applications
- Brochure décrivant les projets
- SEAL Therapeutics AG
- Rencontres et séminaires
- Participation à des associations faîtières
- Les registres de patients
- Le réseau Myosuisse
- Chemin des Saules 4B
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